Reminder AGM Monday Sept 9th at 7.0pm at Wilton Fields. PLEASE attend if you can to discuss how the club can continue into a new season. The agenda will probably include changes to club funding and venue use.

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1 thought on “Reminder AGM Monday Sept 9th at 7.0pm at Wilton Fields. PLEASE attend if you can to discuss how the club can continue into a new season. The agenda will probably include changes to club funding and venue use.”

  1. Hi I feel we should increase the membership fee by at least £25 per annum to counteract the present shortfall in the clubs budget, and reintroduce the family discount.
    Reduce the number of regular indoor shoot to one a week, perhaps too Sunday’s, inorder to reduce the clubs cost.
    Deliver the beginner’s courses at Trevors jujitsu club ,let’s say on a Saturday which would be self funding and not indeed regular club shooting.
    Hold a winter series competition similar to trackside but not clashes in terms of dates to encourage healthy club involvement.

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