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Archery Beginner Lessons

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Kiya is a Lincolnshire Champion

Sunday 30th June – Lincolnshire County Archery Society Outdoor Championships – UK Record Status She did it again but this time for target …

Archery Free Have a go

We are running a Have a Go at Archery for complete beginners on Sunday 9th June 2024. Hopefully you will be able to shoot a arrow at a …

We have a champion in our club

Well done Kiya on being under 14s Girl Cloat Champion. EMAS inter counties teams clout championship on Sunday 15th October 2023 at Branston …

Have A Go

Grimsby Archers is holding a have a go session as part of the start archery week. This is free to everyone over the age of 10. Please visit the …

New Logins

To all current Grimsby Archers members as we have a new site we require you to sign up using the link below. Join Us Once you follow the link…

A New Look, A New Address

Grimsby archers has now moved to a new address and has a new look. Please no longer use any of the old email addresses. …

Club Bray Competition

Sunday 10th April 2022 (Easter is 17th April) A Bray round - 2 ½ dozen arrows at 20 yards but on a 40 cm face, Scores will be adjusted based on …

New 252 Badges

Grimsby Archers now running the 252 badge scheme.